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Customize Panobi for your work
Customize Panobi for your work

Set up the teams, audiences, and tags specific to your company

Updated over a week ago

Add a few easy customizations — like teams, audiences, and tags — so you can keep your work organized in Panobi.

You'll find sample entries of each category to jog your memory — feel free to edit or delete these, as needed.

How to add customizations:

  1. Navigate to Settings

    Click on Settings in the left navigation, and then find the Customize section.

  2. Define your teams
    Under Customize, navigate to Teams. If your company has different teams or pods working on projects, this is the place to label those.

    Hint: Use the tooltip to describe each team beyond its name — this lets the people outside your immediate team (like executives) better understand who's working on what.

  3. Add audiences
    Under Customize, navigate to Audiences. An audience refers to any segment of users your work is targeting. Define your audiences (plus accompanying tooltips) to better organize your projects and projects.

  4. Add tags
    Under Customize, navigate to Tags. Tags let you label your work with things like metrics or product areas, so you can easily track what you’ve been working on.

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